The first image shows those in progress at the moment. The chassis and body on the left are actually a rebuild of the first 'Ulster' I made a few years back. One of the good, or bad things about Matchbox plastic is its' reluctance to be stuck by polystyrene adhesive. I strip paint from polystyrene using old/used brake fluid, proper vegetarian stuff, not the silicon. It also makes a good effort at dissolving/de-stabilising polystyrene adhesive, thus when I stripped the paint off, the body pretty well became dismantled. The centre and right hand cars are new builds, the centre one to be in stripped form, the left hand will have road attire.

The Matchbox Aston is one of a small number of cars for which I have gone to the effort of making a special chassis. The front axle is lightly sprung and carried the front mudguards/wings on road equipped cars.

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