Pit Schwar over in Germany produces some glorious models. Here's his latest offering. As usual, the level of detail, fit and finish is just astonishing. Blue and red don't normally work well together, but Pit has managed to pull it off on this. The paint combination being particularly appealing.

The model is built from a 1/24th scale Gunze Hi Tech kit although a fair number of few parts have been re-made. Pit informs me that the wheels are manufactured by a friend of his at quite a ridiculous cost, but as ever, a good set of wheels will finish off a model.

Interior detail is up to Pits usual standard too, along with the compulsory driver. Not sure about he blonde hair though Pit.

The photograph above shows the unique shape of the E Type off very well, enhanced by that stunning paint finish. Pit has his own website showing a lot more models.
http://www.phoenixracecars.de/ is the place to go.
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