The ackerman steering unit has now been fitted to this Revell-Monogram Galaxie 500. A slight oversight in the design of the unit meant that it was a little too wide to fit any of the Astons, so mooching through my collection revealed that this was the only model that it would fit without too much modification.

The only real mods required were the removal of two mounting posts for the fitment of the original front axle and the drilling of two small holes allowing the unit to be bolted in place in the correct position. The picture below shows the unit in place. The stub axles were very kindly turned by a neighbour and press fitted into the wheel hubs and the whole piece placed approximately where it should be. I havn't tested it as yet as I have no space for even the smallest track, but it all moves very freely with the minimum of play either in the axles or tie bar, so I see no reason why it shouldn't do what it's supposed to.

The bodyshell has been stripped of all the tampo printing and paint with the idea of it being repainted to represent the car Jack Sears raced in the 1964 British Saloon Car Championship. Along side the Revell Cortina and maybe a few Minis and Jag Mk2s, I think it will look quite splendid.
Very nice. Now I need to get you to start building them for my 1.5L cars. :)
Maybe a while yet mark!