Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The echo in here is amazing!

Some folks may wonder where all the entries have gone, others will already know. Two situations occurred at a similar time; A slight lack of contribution as has happened, will lead to a slight lack of followers, and so on. The second situation is perhaps the more important.

This new forum has created a great interest from scratchbuilders.

This forum is one which is specialised however. Originally created to cater for mid-60's GP cars, the list has expanded to both earlier and later times, with the following criteria.

Accepted cars are;

                            GP cars
                            F1 cars
                            Open wheeler cars
                            Indy cars

The periods covered include, well, all areas. as one who encourages pre-war contributions, potential contributors are reminded that;

                           Many pre-39 GP cars were 2-seaters
                           Some pre-war GP races were run as sports car races

Those who view this blog are invited to view the site, and join if it suits them.

The old Slot Forum International is under new ownership. The next few months will see if any changes are made. Methinks it tries to cater for too many areas, and specialises in none...
