The second picture shows the results of the recent better weather, though whether I dare attempt colour during the next dry spell is another matter. 8 resin bodies, 2 polystyrene.
Top left to right are an almost standard Ocar DB3S, a re-vamped Revell XK120, a previously featured progressed much modded Ocar TVR Vixen, now a Griffith, a pretty standard Monogram Ferrari 275P and last a standard Ocar MK II Jag.
Second row is (blotchy) PP Mercedes 154/163, FF Models Lotus Elite, 'French' Alfa Bimotore much modded, MMK (Costin) Lister Jaguar and Ocar TR 59/60 Ferrari.
The 275p is the most recent car in the real world which says something about my tastes.
I did a DB3S about a year ago, this was sold. This one is to keep. it was meant to feature correct wheels, but as yet I have not worked out how to do it.
XK120. Started over 2 years ago to 'model' my first etched wheels. It will probably also 'model' the first proper XK wheels.
The Griffith was a brute of a car, and will be a similar slot car.
The 275P is the 4th I have done, though should have correct wheels for the first time.
The Jag Mk II is a replica of that once owned by a friend.
The Mercedes was bought for two reasons, one to see what a PP car is like, the second as a 'model' for the forthcoming Mercedes/Auto Union wheels. The blotchiness is caused by a light coat of black over the primer to assist in rubbing down.
The Elite is just a car I like, so when Martin did the re-vamp of the Supershells car, I had to have one. This will be built as intended, as a Le Mans car.
Alfa Bimotore. An awful body from France, much modded with more mods due. Bought to model the Alfa wheels.
Lister Jag. One of the first racing cars I remember. No other reason needed!
TR59/60. Probably the best looking series of Ferraris made.
All projected builds for this year, together with a few others. Busy year?